Let us know your requirements and prefences and we’ll help you find a SUPER NANNY!
- Register
We ask for quite a bit of information here, which we use to match you to the most suitable candidates we have.
- Shortlist
We’ll prepare a few profiles of our available candidates that match your requirements and send them through to you for review.
- Review
One of our nanny agents will assist you to narrow your selection down to 2 or 3 nannies.
- Interview
A convenient time and place will be arranged for you to interview your potential nanny/s.
Like most domestic nanny agencies in South Africa, we do charge an initial registration fee for the administration associated with the initial nanny placement process. We do not charge our nannies a registration fee as many of them are unemployed and cannot afford it.
We offer a three month guarantee period valid for one placement effective from the date that the employee commences employment with the client. If the employment relationship is terminated within the first three months of the placement, Super Nannies shall not charge an additional fee for this second placement.
We call up all references whether it is a number that is given to us or a letter of referral. Our screening process comes with specifically designed and detailed questionnaire to ensure there is no fraud. All work experience and references have been recent as in the last two years. Once a nanny has completed her trial and you would like to hire her we can provide the last employers contact details so you may also talk to them. We are all mothers in the business of placing nannies. If we feel uneasy about any reference, we will not take the candidate onboard as the safety of your children is always top priority.
As part of the interview process, we do insist on a 1-3 day trial with your domestic nanny. We believe this to be the “real interview” as this is when you as an employer can assess whether the nanny fits into your family and relates well to you and your children. The agency can check her references in terms of honesty and reliability but we cannot ensure a personality match without a trial. We are in the business of people which includes many personalities so a trial is an important part of the interview process.
A R250 non-refundable registration fee is payable prior to conducting interviews. The registration fee is applicable once profiles have been forwarded to the Client. Should we arrange interviews and a client cancels, or no longer requires our services, the registration fee is still due.
We charge 12% of the annual salary of a permanent placement. This is a once off fee and it comes with a service level agreement and 3 month guarantee period. This does not include the wage to the nanny.
Temporary Placements: Should the client wish to pay month by month, we do charge R900 for each consecutive month. Monthly fees only apply to temporary placements. We do offer a 10 day service level agreement as well as a scaling fee on the total amount charged, this only applies to clients who pay their full temporary placement fee upfront.
Interviews and trials may be conducted on the same day. A transport rebate of R40-R50 is to be refunded to the nanny after an interview. If the interview extends to a trial on the same day the rate is R230 – R250 for a 9 hour day and R150 for a 4 hour day. Please note that the daily rate excludes transport rebate.
Yes we can. We encourage our clients to join UIF online. It’s a simple and effective online process. We provide you with the two registration documents you are required to fill in. To find out more please read UIF online. As for contracts, we assist you closely here. We work with a labour lawyer to ensure all our paperwork is legally correct for both us and our clients.