At Super Nannies, we believe every family deserves a Super Nanny. Whether you’re looking to find the perfect nanny or train your current nanny, we’ve got a great track record.
Nannies play an important role within your family environment. As a nanny agency, Super Nannies assists families in finding the right nanny for their home. We cater for busy working parents and families. Families who are on the go and need a domestic nanny to help them manage their households and busy schedules.
Finding the right nanny is vital to managing a family home in a happier and organised environment.
Our nanny agents are mothers themselves and know how difficult it can be to have a new nanny in the home. We also know when you find that right person, what a difference it makes to your family life.
We offer nanny placements and nanny training courses, with a strong emphasis on childcare. Super Nannies provides families with domestic nannies, nannies and childcarers. We offer training for domestic workers in childcare, stimulation, CPR and First Aid.
We work with other service providers that offer courses such as domestic cooking classes, swimming and driving lessons. We also advise parents on how to manage their staff should they request the assistance.
Super Nannies believes that nannies should be treated in a fair and equal manner by paying them a market related salary with decent working hours.
We advise our clients accordingly when it comes to legal issues such as leave, working hours, meals, overtime and ethical issues such as bonuses, pension schemes etc. The above issues are often grey areas that can cause discord in the working relationship. Our aim is to ensure that both the employer and nanny are happy with their working arrangement and expectation of each other.

We’re proud to be associated with partners in our community who share our values and are driven by a passion to help others.

We have seen nannies transform in their role of carer, understanding what a crucial part they have to play in a child’s development – not only yours but theirs as well!
Nanny ‘n Me offer weekly group sessions for nannies and children aged 0-3 years. The sessions are an hour long and provide opportunities for engaging in age appropriate PLAY. The activities reflect the interests and developmental stage of the child. There is an emphasis on positively influencing the nanny and child relationship as well as encouraging ongoing input at home where a learning environment is promoted. Nannies learn about developmental concepts week by week and receive certificates every block. Moms receive a weekly email explaining the activities and enjoy seeing photos of their child so they don’t miss out on the fun!
The programme has been designed by an Occupational Therapist and it addresses the specific skills needed as a foundation to school readiness as we know what areas are most commonly is referred to OTs for therapy.

At Toptots we provide stimulating ideas with the emphasis on fun.
Toptots Mother and Child Workshops have been empowering parents and caregivers with the skills and knowledge necessary to prepare their children for school and for life for over twenty years. Lessons of an hour-and-a-half once a week provide parents/caregivers with the opportunity to spend quality time with their children in a warm, friendly and secure environment. During our classes, parents/ caregivers learn how to teach their own children vital skills such as crossing the midline, bilateral hand function, problem-solving, auditory and visual discrimination and much more, as all classes are guided by a trained teacher using age-appropriate and fun activities. This provides both parents/ caregivers and children with a positive enriching experience during which they may bond and grow together. Creative activities, messy play, music time are all part of the package, as well as time for the children to learn to interact with one another. Our activities are arranged according to the specific needs and age level of the child. We understand what they can and cannot do and which areas are important to develop. At Toptots we provide stimulating ideas with the emphasis on fun.
All the things that you do with your life end when your life ends, except for what you do to shape and create the future. Children represent unlimited potential for the future. By positively influencing a child, you will change the destiny of the world into infinity. © Toptots Early Learning SA 1999

Teaching and nurturing each and every pupil according to their needs in a fun and safe environment.
Founded by Leigh Driemel, Mother of two and swim safety fanatic. Leigh has built the school as well as the friendly environment from scratch, based on strong beliefs of teaching thought, with each and every pupil’s needs considered. Classes are structured around swimming capabilities of all children to ensure they benefit fully from their lesson.
Our Instructors are fully Swim South Africa accredited with extensive training and ongoing tutoring by Leigh. Our enthusiastic team engage with all children both in and out the pool and believe there is nothing more satisfying than watching kids and adults learn one of life’s most fundamental skills.
Our initial focus is ensuring WATER SAFETY. Babies from the age of 6 months are ready to join in our Babies Swimming Lessons and we welcome adults to enrole in Learn to Swim classes as well as aqua aerobics classes.